Life has no smooth road for any of us; and in the bracing atmosphere of a high aim the very roughness stimulates the climber to steadier steps, till the legend, over steep ways to the stars, fulfills itself.

W. C. Doane

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I know it's been awhile since i've written. In all honesty i was feeling a bit discouraged, not many people visit this blog and those that do, seem to be people that stumble into it following a google hit. That's ok though, i also should take accountability in that I dont put alot of effort into reaching out into the community. So at this point, i'm debating whether to close this blog down and start over with a new blog, stop blogging altogether, or continue with this one and see where it leads me.

As for an update on my life. I started working 6 weeks ago at the Ottawa Rape Crisis Center, It was only a 6 week contract so i'm  done now, but what a wonderful experience to have grown and learned from. I've also completed volunteer training at the Sexual Assault Support Center of Ottawa. I'm trying to find a full time job right now in my field of interest. I want to work with an organisation that supports survivors and works using an anti-oppression model. In other words, a place that empowers survivors to work towards their own healing.

Life has been going petty well lately. I've had my own ups and downs but knowing that my life is moving forward helps keep me balanced.

Anyways....that's all there is in terms of updates. I'll keep you posted as to what i plan on doing to this page. Let me know your thoughts!